Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Delivery

For the three Christmases I've been here, the COC has been actively seeking out families to assist during the Christmas season and together we've helped 30 or so. This year we were able to help almost 10 through benevolence help and or gifts for Children. This year we had a couple outreach opportunities I'd like to share.....

  • The first begins with The Villages lifegroup. They had been busy saving money to be able to help someone this year. Isn't that cool??!!! They had prepared ahead of time to be ready to help people they hadn't even met yet! In doing so, they were able to set aside almost $400 to assist a single mom and her kids! Heather Tyler siad the family was completely blown away when they did the delivery! Good work Villages!!!

For a few months there was a family in Gilbert who every week brought in a truck load of gifts to the Central Police Department to pass out to families in need. There are two police stations in Gilbert, the main Central Station on Gilbert and Elliot and the Sub Police Station (Kenny's station) on Greenfield and Queen Creek. The Central Station gave up one of their rooms to store all the toys. Kenny called his Administrative Assistant, to see if they handed out all the gifts and if there were any left over. She called back saying that the ones for the families in need all went out and there were some left over, the officers were going to go to a part of Gilbert who has many needs and just start passing them out to whoever they saw. So he told her what COC was up to and said to give her the ages and gender of the kids and she would pull some toys for them and meet us at the Substation. When we arrived we saw all the gifts she brought and were surprised. We were also surprised when the Chief's Administrative Assistant, brought us wrapping paper for the gifts. Absolutely awesome!l While we were figuring out what goes to who someone from crime prevention came in, she just found a need in another family and was looking for gifts to give. One thing Kenny and I have witnessed is that there are soo many needs for families this year. It's almost overwhelming.

We only had to purchase a few toys for the kids, we wanted to make sure they each had the same amount to open. With all said and done COC gave these families 5 gifts for each child, $50.00 Visa card for moms and two teens received $25.00 gift card and movie passes which was absolutely awesome.

Marcus Reiker delivered to a home that was by the high school behind the busses in a very modest area. I never really even noticed these homes before we drove by them and Kenny mentioned that Marcus was delivering there. There were two kids, one with special needs. I think we stuck in a few extra gifts for both the girls from the PD and I'm glad it worked out that way.

Kenny and our family delivered to a home where the gentleman invited us in and we noticed there was absolutely no furniture, just little ones running around. He was very humble and extremely appreciative. Kenny was able to speak with this gentleman and direct the thanks back to God for He was the one who provided all this. We kept thinking how we would love to be flies on the wall when the kids opened their gifts.

The last home we delivered to was the home that was highest priority on the list. We have never really had a reaction quite like this one before. When we called to set up a time to deliver Kenny spoke to the mom. She asked Kenny the names of the kids we had, he told her and she said, “I have two other teenagers.” After hanging up Kenny felt we needed to add them on as well. When we came to the home to deliver we heard two people yelling and both must have hit the door when trying to open it. I'm going to say they had extreme joy when they saw us, a teenage boy and an older gentleman. They said a few "hey, great thanks" and then as fast as they opened the door they shut the door. Well, we know that someone saw a great need in this family so I'm thankful COC was able to give to them.

Kenny and Christi

  • The second started with a conversation Between Ginger Barrett and "another person" (shh... it's a secret:). During that conversation Ginger was able to find out about some families who were struggling a bit and wanted to see if we could help them. Below is an excerpt from an e-mail I received from Christi Buckland who was able to coordinate this effort. Christi and Kenny began attending COC within the last 6 months and they have an incredible heart for the needy. Kenny is a Lieutenant for Gilbert Police Department. If you get a chance to say hello or thank you, please do!

For a few months there was a family in Gilbert who every week brought in a truck load of gifts to the Central Police Department to pass out to families in need. There are two police stations in Gilbert, the main Central Station on Gilbert and Elliot and the Sub Police Station (Kenny's station) on Greenfield and Queen Creek. The Central Station gave up one of their rooms to store all the toys. Kenny called his Administrative Assistant, to see if they handed out all the gifts and if there were any left over. She called back saying that the ones for the families in need all went out and there were some left over, the officers were going to go to a part of Gilbert who has many needs and just start passing them out to whoever they saw. So he told her what COC was up to and said to give her the ages and gender of the kids and she would pull some toys for them and meet us at the Substation. When we arrived we saw all the gifts she brought and were surprised. We were also surprised when the Chief's Administrative Assistant, brought us wrapping paper for the gifts. Absolutely awesome!l While we were figuring out what goes to who someone from crime prevention came in, she just found a need in another family and was looking for gifts to give. One thing Kenny and I have witnessed is that there are soo many needs for families this year. It's almost overwhelming.

We only had to purchase a few toys for the kids, we wanted to make sure they each had the same amount to open. With all said and done COC gave these families 5 gifts for each child, $50.00 Visa card for moms and two teens received $25.00 gift card and movie passes which was absolutely awesome.

Marcus Reiker delivered to a home that was by the high school behind the busses in a very modest area. I never really even noticed these homes before we drove by them and Kenny mentioned that Marcus was delivering there. There were two kids, one with special needs. I think we stuck in a few extra gifts for both the girls from the PD and I'm glad it worked out that way.

Kenny and our family delivered to a home where the gentleman invited us in and we noticed there was absolutely no furniture, just little ones running around. He was very humble and extremely appreciative. Kenny was able to speak with this gentleman and direct the thanks back to God for He was the one who provided all this. We kept thinking how we would love to be flies on the wall when the kids opened their gifts.

The last home we delivered to was the home that was highest priority on the list. We have never really had a reaction quite like this one before. When we called to set up a time to deliver Kenny spoke to the mom. She asked Kenny the names of the kids we had, he told her and she said, “I have two other teenagers.” After hanging up Kenny felt we needed to add them on as well. When we came to the home to deliver we heard two people yelling and both must have hit the door when trying to open it. I'm going to say they had extreme joy when they saw us, a teenage boy and an older gentleman. They said a few "hey, great thanks" and then as fast as they opened the door they shut the door. Well, we know that someone saw a great need in this family so I'm thankful COC was able to give to them.

Kenny and Christi

Turkey Drive

Thanks to all who gave financially to the Turkey Drive. Over Thanksgiving and Christmas we were able to donate 400 turkey's to the Maricopa Foodbank as well as give them a check to help with their current expenses!!! A special thanks to Christi and Kenny Buckland for helping organize the delivery along with everyone who participated!!!!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Mexico Mission 2008

Mexico was unbelievable~

In 2 1/2 days we built a 7 framed wall, 2 piece roof, stucco sided home for Richardo and Dora's family. Our church rocks! Because of our giving to Project 1:8 we were able to purchase all the materials to keep the trip costs down for our team. Our team was even able to pool $325 in spending cash to help fix their car! God is good!!! THAT'S GOODNESS! Goodness on steroids. Thank you Emily for the great food, Thanks Rob for your leadership at the worksite, Thanks to Joseph for coordinating all the stuff, Thanks to Eric for his translating skills and for being my wingman. Remember Eric, everyone is following us, so don't get us lost! Lastly thanks to each of the people who went. The food, the fire, the fellowship ... Port-o-Patternina... what else needs to be said.

Trick or Treat exceeded all our expectations~
There were over 8,000 people. We had over 170 volunteers. We gave away over a ton of candy. We had exposure in one event to 1/4 of Maricopa's population. It was awesome! We had the City of Maricopa, the Mayor, the Fire Chief, the Police Chief, the owner of State Farm insurance, and Pastor Josh, along with nearly 50 businesses involved in one way or another. Thank you Jesus! Thank you COC! Misty, Rob and Christy, Ginger, Esther, Jake, Tom, and everyone else that helped make this happen ...Thanks for everything!