Friday, May 15, 2009

Last Day :(

This week has been incredible, but man it flew by! I can't believe we're leaving today. This morning when everyone was scattered around getting things ready to go I went up and had morning snack with the girls and we were all feeling like we just got here. I'm not looking forward to saying goodbye.

I'm pretty sure everyone has had their day of writing on the blog except Mat and I, and since we've been writing here and there all week I guess we're all covered. :)

One thing I want to share about is the teaching time that Courtney, Nancy and I were in charge of this week. It has just been incredible to be able to connect with these beautiful women on a really close up and personal way. We worked along side them in the garden getting dirty, we helped babysit the kids while others worked, we spent time sitting around campus talking and praying with each other. Its just been powerful. On Wednesday morning Courtney and I were talking about what the Lord was leading us to share with the girls during "uni" (short for university) and we decided to go out on a limb and talk about purity and sexual sin and about what the Lord has called us to. It was the only uni we had where no other staff members were there, just us 3 girls and the homes of hope moms. We had so much fun! We were blown away with the responses, questions, testimonies, and struggles. Courtney did a really great job getting down to the nitty gritty and opening up the floor, and then I came up behind her and shared about the grace of God and what its like to leave your burden at the foot of the cross and not carry it around. The great thing was we had the chance to hear from the girls that afternoon in the garden about how they got answers for the first time about things they struggle with, and one of the girls was feeling convicted about the relationship she was in. It was encouraging for us because its actually really hard to tell if they are even listening sometimes because of the babies crying and the kids climbing all over you. Its great though because even during worship these girls have their kids climbing over them and talking but they keep singing with their eyes closed and hands raised completely focused on the Lord.

Last night we went to a nice dinner with Mark and Cheryl Wilson and had a great time of fellowship and conversation. I know Court and I felt really encouraged by Cheryl and left the dinner feeling peaceful about what we've done and what God's continuing to do on this campus.

Our last devotional time was great this morning. Our team has truly become a family (and believe me, we all know more than we want to about each other :) and its awesome when teammates see a need and just drop everything and surround one another to pray and lift one another up. Also, the sharing time in our morning devotional has become very open and vulnerable and I praise the Lord for the trust that has been built between us. The family of God is powerful.
Here is the scripture and questions for today:

Psalm 10
1) In what ways might you have been like the wicked man, indirectly contributing to the problem of sexual exploitation or trafficking?
2) Where is God in this darkness?
3) What is ultimately the only hope for these girls?
4) How could you pray differently when you return home?
5) Spend time in prayer, make verse 12 your prayer on behalf of these girls.

Thank you all for your prayers and support. We've had an incredible whirlwind of a week, and I think I can speak on behalf of our whole time when I say we have been changed from the inside out. God has done a lot in each of our hearts and we look forward to coming back and to being more involved in our own town and state. God is good! (I told the girls this morning that next time I hope to have my whole family with me... so get ready Blevins!!)

Please pray for our safe journey home. We leave here in about 4 hours and we'll be traveling until about 6pm on Saturday Arizona time. Love you!

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