We have some incredible hearts on our team. Our mornings start at 630 when we each go through the questions and passages from our devotional, and then we all meet at around 7 on the back porch and eat our breakfast and talk through what we did in our quiet times. Yesterday we focused on what worship really is, and to be honest, I think we often miss the mark. Its definitely easier on campus to be focused on the Lord because the people you go to church with are the people you live, work, and eat with. Rob Dolson shared that he feels justice and worship are related because of the way these girls are defenseless, and they are standing up to defend them and help provide for them through construction. The girls and I (Anna) felt that the justice in worship that we experienced was the way the girls sing and loved the Lord in such a raw and pure way.
This morning we read Luke 10:25-37 and asked these questions:
1) What does this teach you about the relationship between mercy and faith?
2) Who can you most relate to in the parable?
3) How might you specifically be like the good Samaritan this week to the girls at HOH?
The conversations that came from this time were heavy on our hearts. The desire to serve the Lord and be used by Him is evident in the hearts in our team. The more we learn about the girls the more we love them. I wont speak for everyone but I feel like its impossible not to fall in love this week. With the girls, and with the Lord. God is stirring our hearts and blessing us already. Its a really exciting thing to be in a place where you can visibly see God work in peoples lives. Even the girls who are new and who don't know the Lord yet can't explain why they feel themselves changing and responding. They don't know what to connect it to, but we know its Jesus changing them from the inside out. Its incredible.
Today is full of plans and different goals for us all, and we'll have some updates later tonight (our time) to let you know how it went. We're going to get some more pictures of the construction site as well. Thank you for being patient with updates and pictures, the internet its great but uploading pictures takes a long time. And life around here is busy. :)
Love you guys, and thanks for your prayers. Its working!
(PS please keep praying for health. We have some allergy and stomach issues but we're all healthy for the most part. I'm praying to be spared from parasites since i was digging for clay in the creek with Amaysa and Solote yesterday. :)
Again I have to let you know how very much we are being blessed by the words and the spirit of the updates. How our Lord must be rejoicing in the work being done-in the natural and the spiritual realms. Our hearts ache for the pain these young daughters of the Father have endured, I cannot even imagine how His heart breaks at what the depravity of man brings forth. We are trusting that seeds planted will bring forth much fruit. In the Love that never fails, Mike and Carla Kropp
P.S. a special 'hello' to Nancy-we are so blessed to have had a small part in the work being done. I love you, cmk
Anna, Thank you for posting such a vivid description of the devotion time today. It's awesome to hear about the team's heart for the Lord, the girls opening up to the ministering, and you living the Great Commandment: to Love God with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself. I'll continue to pray for you guys!
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