Hi everyone! Just wanted to post one more update today on the team overall. Thanks to Rob for sharing in the blog below today, check it out. As I type there is a 1 and a half year old on my lap. She's super cute. Today we woke up a little later than normal since Pastor Mat had spent the night in another village to minister to them. ;) We did devotions and got to work. I did a lot of laundry and dishes and kept the guest house tidy. Rob put everyone to work and went to lay down to try to get over the stomach issues going on. Courtney is feeling 100% better today. It just took a lot of rest yesterday and last night. Carrie was feeling a little sick but she's doing pretty well. Ray has spent the day working on the contruction project of the guesthouse with the Fijian guys. Chris, Carrie and Brian are laying tile in the school house. Courtney spent the morning herding the kids and painting their nails. :) Dorothy and Nancy spent the afternoon helping a homeless woman who comes to the campus periodically for showers and clean clothes. Nancy had to cut her skirt off as the zipper was rusted shut. She had probably been in those clothes for 6 months! They helped her shower and pick out some new clothes and they combed her hair and cut her nails. My hear was touched at their servants hearts. Truly living the gospel just like Christ intended. We spent the afternoon in Uni, short for University, which is a Bible study. Courtney led again and the girls seemed to be touched. We are having a wonderful time so far. Please cover us in prayer that there will be NO MORE sickness. God is good.
-Heather Comforty-
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