It's Friday here already. I can't believe I'll be leaving here tomorrow. It was like coming home to see all the mums and children. My first job was to help organize and inventory a storage room for baby clothes, kid's clothes, etc. HOH is going to have a seven new moms and right now they only have 7 dozen new nappies (diapers) and 3 pair of plastic pants. Most of the older toddlers have old towels or worn out diapers to wear. There are plenty of newborn clothes but not enough receiving blankets or diaper pins. There are not many clothes for 2-6 year olds, both for boys and girls. I asked if we could ship but they said it was very expensive and took 3 months to receive. My mini mission is to get diapers, plastic pants etc gathered up for September mission trip. It's much better to bring luggage than to ship. I told Lynnie about making flannel diapers and she thought it was a great idea. So Selena went to town and got the flannel. We found material for stuffing and Dorothy has owned a sewing shop so she got the sewing machine to work long enough to sew 8 diapers before it stopped again. They started Celebrate Recovery here about a month ago and i was privileged to attend their meeting and share my testimony and what C.R. has done in my life. Courtney has done Bible studies in the afternoon. I have worked in the nursery while the mums were working in the garden. It is just a joy to talk and pray with the girls. On Wednesday night we went to cell group (praise and worship). Pastor Mark came in and told us we had to pray for one of the Mums who was having a cesarian section in the hospital because of the breech birth. She had a boy and is doing ok. We will leave tomorrow evening and as soon as i got here last Saturday on of my girls, Mona, said I am missing you already and wish you didn't have to go. I will miss them very much.
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