Thursday, September 2, 2010

Airport Sushi ...

Hey people ... we are having a blast so far. In about an hour we'll board our flight to Fiji from LAX. I'm sitting across from Tony Howe having an all out battle on who can finish their airport sushi first. I'm winning bigtime. We're very excited about the trip!

Please pray for a slight luggage complication. Our shade screen materials didn't make it from Phoenix ... and Air Pacific is enforcing a carry-on bag weight restriction that none of us were aware of so ...

Anyway, at 11:30 we'll take off over the Pacific. It's a 12 hour flight to Nadi Airport where we'll arrive at 5:10 am on Saturday morning. From there we'll take a half-hour bumper flight to Suva where we'll be picked up and brought to Wai Loco.

Anyway, I love and miss Misty, Rylin, Emmy, and Hunter! The Balgaard's are awesome!!!

Thanks for following. We'll post again as soon as we can!


1 comment:

Tina Brady (Gillespie) said...

Yay!!!! You guys are all so awesome! You are making our Father in Heaven very happy by Blessing the people of Fiji, and your brothers and sisters here are pretty happy and proud of you too! (there's that word "pride" but I mean it in a good way).
We are all praying for our COC family out there giving their time,knowledge,compassion,and love to those in need! Please be safe, get rest, eat, and take good care of yourselves we want all of you home healthy and safely. Praying for our team!! God Bless you!!
Your Sister in Christ,
Tina Brady'Gillespie and kids