We are truly blessed to be here today. We spent the Sunday morning worshiping with our sisters in Christ here at Home of Hopes campus. One of the girls played the guitar as we sang a few songs in English. Courtney, Dorothy and P. Mat shared some insightful testimonies and words of encouragement. Four of the girls blessed us with a song they had prepared last night and also shared their hearts a bit, which are beautiful by the way. We were then given the treat of hearing the girls as they raised their voices as one while singing a song in the native language. It was truly beautiful. God moved and many were blessed, which was evident in the tears of joy. :) Lunch was served in the open air dining hall with many of the girls and their children present eating and laughing with us. One great thing about the culture here in Fiji and especially here on campus is the spirit of joy and laughter and joking. We feel very comfortable conversing with these light hearted ladies. All the children running around are adorable and so advanced and intuitive. The slightly older ones can carry on full conversations in English and are curious and very informative. I personally have been extremely impressed at the maturity of all the children here. The mother's are kind and very patient and they allow their children more freedom to move about the campus and to be free than is typical in the USA. As I type the team is busy working in the hot humidity on the construction project at hand. I will continue to keep you updated. Don't forget to leave a comment. :)
-Heather Comforty_
1 comment:
Thank you so much for posting Heather! I'm so glad you are having such a wonderful trip and I can't wait to hear all about it! Tell all the girls Auntie Misty says hi and I can't wait to come see them some day! And of course, tell Mat I love him!!!!
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