We arrived safely in FIJI with no issues at all along the way. God is good! We have had a day full of meeting new people and for some of us, reconnecting with old friends here at Home of Hope campus. The campus is full of smiling faces and friendly, good humored folks that are a real joy to be around. The time here is slow paced and people oriented instead of go go go like many of us are used to. Personally, I have tried to assimilate into the culture immediately as much as possible from walking around the campus bare foot to eating everything they have to offer. It is refreshing to be here. Some of us spent the day visiting with the girls while others (the guys) spent the day laying tile in the school house. As I type we just finished eating dinner and are ready to go join the birthday festivities including dancing and much laughter. Please continue to pray for us and check back each day for updates!
-Heather Comforty-
Great to hear the team had good travel and is having a blessed time! Love you guys and will praying for you! Can't wait to see more pictures and hear the Awesome things God is doing in and through you!
erick heeaaak, (with an Australian accent) just dropping a word or two, rejoicing in our lord to see what our brothers and sisters can do with their words & hands to built the body of Christ. please try to excel on everything you do, as if you were doing it for the Lord. Well you are. Rob & Ptr Matt please try to keep those hammers banging and those Godly sisters in line. (no feminine napkins and or chicken heads this time, ;))Enjoy the potato salad, the dalo, hot tea, and especially the great company; Above all rejoice in everything, I say again rejoice. Give my regards to all the residents, Nadat and his family. lastly, whenever you get a chance do get some of that great Chinese food on my behalf. God Bless you all.
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