Sunday, August 24, 2008

The night before

Tomorrow at 3:30 we pull out of Maricopa for Sky Harbor. Our flight will take us to LAX and then at just after 11pm we fly over the Pacific Ocean. It's around a 12 hour flight before we land in Nadi.

Our Fiji team met Thursday night and fielded the same 2 questions.
  • What are my expectations?
  • What am I asking God to do?

All of our answers were similar ... God, speak to us, break our hearts for your people, allow us to see the world as You do, stretch our Faith...

All of us expect to see God at work; we want to join Him. We want to be apart of something that makes God smile!

My time tonight was spent on a date with Misty talking about babies, our girls and eachother. When we got home Rylin and Emmy and daddy talked about the trinity, why we can't see other planets from here, and why girls in Fiji aren't treated very well. Rylin prayed for daddy's safety and for him to do a good job for Jesus. Emmy prayed for dadda to help the little girls. I prayed that God would help daddy to show Jesus love to the Fijian people, and to show the ladies and men I come into contact with my love for my family. I also prayed for mommy. I am truly blessed! My family is blessed! We have a rich life in the palm of God's hand.


George Farrell said...

Your group is on my heart this week as you "go" and touch people for God's Son, Jesus! He will be a lamp unto your feet and He will keep you safe in His arms!

I also pray for the health of each and every member of the group, that no sickness can take hold of anyone in the group, and if it does, then you only have to remember His stripes to be healed! Thank you Jesus!

In Christ
George Farrell

Cyrilla Garcia said...

Hello to all...

I am thinking and praying for you guys, that you will have a safe trip and to be strong. For God is our strength and is in control of all things...remember you are not..

see you soon

Curtis Garcia