Sunday, August 29, 2010

Please Follow Us!

Thanks for joining us on our journey across the Pacific. On Thursday we fly to Wai Loco Fiji where Jesus is at work rescuing women and their children from Human Trafficking. Home of Hope, here we come!

Each day a different member of the team will be sharing their experiences here. Please check us out and comment. Because of your generosity we are able to come and help!

We need your prayers! There will be a daily Prayer request that comes along with our team updates. Follow along to know what they are. Please pray for our families back here as we go. This trip impacts them as much as it does us.


FIJI Meeting

I can't believe we are leaving in 4 days! We have such a great trip planned!

Today we are sending our September team off in Prayer at church. Pray it up!

Monday, August 16, 2010

FIJI Meeting

We had a great Fiji Meeting tonight. Can you believe we're leaving in 17 days!!!

Please pray for our incredible team ... Marcus / Jeanette / Michael / Robbin / Jason / Paul / Shannah / Tracey / Tony / me ...

... that Jesus would grow "Compassion" in and through each of us.

For those who are supporting us financially and in Prayer ... thank you for your support! Please follow us here from September 2-11 during our trip. Each of us will be blogging our experiences daily so you're able to hear from each of us.



Reach class was awesome on Sunday afternoon! There's nothing cooler than seeing other believers get excited about sharing their faith! Our next Reach class will be near the end of the year. If you missed it ... make sure to catch it next time.

Monday, August 9, 2010


Hey Team ...

You guys rock! We have over 40 families that have expressed interest in attending a class. Pray for our Follow-up Process. Pray for our 6 Teachers and their families! Thank you to the Janzen's / Smith's / Cote's / Cowden's / Lapp's / and Tyler's! You guys are the bomb! Thanks for your willingness and faithfulness! It's awesome to Serve Jesus with you guys.


Begins Sunday August 22nd. (13 week Course)
4 Classes with Childcare available...

-First Service (8:30-10:30)
-Second Service (10:30-12:30)
-Sunday Afternoons (12:30-2:30)
-Monday Evenings (6-8pm)


-Purchase the Curriculum pack on Sunday morning at the Go Deeper area. ($120 per family)
-Pick the class time you're attending and E-mail Danielle so we can register you.

If you have any questions, let Danielle know. 520-494-7714.