Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sunday morning update!

We have internet! Mat and Ray have been workin hard all morning to get it up and running while the rest of the guys and gals work on the school house. I'm sitting in the living room of the guesthouse with the doors open watching it rain and I can hear the girls and their kids singing up at the campus kitchen a few yards away. Today has been incredible so far. Mat, Nancy, Courtney and I (Anna) were invited to go to the small church service with the girls in the school house this morning and it is a beautiful thing to see people so in love with the Lord. Their faces and voices are so sincere when they worship, it drove all our hearts to the foot of His throne. God is here, and it would take a whole lot of effort to try and ignore that simple fact.

A few things: We have one or two people a day to blog and update you on what is going on in their hearts and on campus. Our plan (which is always changing) is to get our blogging done around lunch time here which will be evening for you guys back at home. The other thing is we would love to get feedback from you so if you can leave a comment. There are a few instructions you need to know about commenting so here they are:

Once you click on the "comment" link and write what you want, you'll have to enter the weird lookin' letters underneath the comment box where it says "word verification." Once you do that you will need to create a username and password. If you already have an account with I believe that username and password works.

Thanks for praying! We're feelin good and workin hard. I can already feel the Lord stirring up my heart and making changes.
Keep checking on us and we'll try our best to keep you updated. Love!


Dolson said...

Thank you for keeping us updated. I can imagine the very scene you described and hear the girls and kids singing in my heart. The presence of God on campus is a miraculous sensation; it pierces the heart and penetrates the soul. I can't help but tear up remembering that sweet experience communing with the Lord. It blesses me to know that Jesus is caring so intimately for my brothers and sisters and Husband.
We love you so very much,
Amber, (Isabella, Maverick and Luke)
P.S. Please send our love to the girls!
And, if you can...we would love to see pictures.

ilovemat said...

Thanks for the update Anna! It's been strange not being able to talk to anyone this time! Praise the Lord for email! I'm so glad you are all doing so well and we're praying like crazy here for you and for the girls and kiddos! Tell them all "Auntie Misty" says hi and can't wait to meet them in person!

Unknown said...

Hey Gang- It sounds like you are having a great trip so far. I loved reading the story about attending church and seeing the love people had for Jesus. And that you could really sense the strong love they have for the Lord. The "Hull" family is praying for you guys daily. We love you!