Monday, July 7, 2008's Monday...'s Monday and I'm preparing for my next two messages. I actually began the day with a dead battery. After fixing that issue I ran into a friend from church that ran out of gas in front of Auto Zone... (God rocks) So after helping them out I got to the office late and finished our supporter update letter. In the process of doing this I realized that I never sent out our April letter which means that our supporters haven't had an update since the beginning of February...(yikes!) Sorry guys!!! Well now, it's back to the First commandment.

I realized that I've been talking to myself being that no one besides my family and staff knew about this blog unitl recently. Yes, you can laugh!

When you finally get here go through the other posts. There's also a survey below to the right that you should take part in. It's only one question.

Yesterday before the girls got up for church, I read the book of Collosians and it was the breathe of God for me! If you get a chance read the entire letter in one setting from the New Living Translation. If you don't have one, look on It should only take you about 20 minutes. WOW! God is awesome! Anyway...have a great day!

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